Our current transport system, based on the use of private cars fossil fuel-powered, has an usustainable social, environmental and economic impact. The next evolution, therefore necessary, of this system towards sustainability needs to overcome the model of individual mobility and to affirm a new one based on the access to sharing mobility services.
As promoters of the initiative, the Minister of environement and the Sustainable Develoment Foundation have the task to activate and support the network creating a community based on mutual trust and sense of belonging. The cooperation between the Platform members and the dialogue with key stakeholders generate technical, legislative and negotiated proposals which are able to implement the use of sharing mobility services. Data exchange between providers and institutions of the Platform feeds analysis and the capability of monitoring the italian sharing mobility phenomenon. The outputs and contents of this copoperation and shared informations are submitted to policy makers and public opinion on the occasion of the annual national Conference on sharing mobility, in addition to their dissemination on the Platform website and Twitter account. The national conference is the occasion to launch the annual Report on Sharing mobility which cointain series of technical indicators assumed to describe and monitoring the sharing mobility in the national and local frame aswell. Every year the report focus on different thematic issues.
The sharing mobility is a socio-economic phonemenon which embraces the transport sector from both sides of supply and demand. From the demand side, sharing mobility represents a general trasnformation of the individuals behaviour which means to prefer a temporary access to mobility services than to use a private transport. From the supply side, sharing mobility means affirmation and diffusion of mobility serices using digital technologies in order to facilitate vehicle and trip sharing, towards scalable, interactive and effective services.
The Sharing mobility Plaftform is composed by different subjects, more or less directly involved in sharing mobility services supply. These different subjects give the dimension of how variegated and transversal is the phenomenon, bringing benefits for trasport sector and environmental, social and economic aswell. Sharing mobility and its growth are the result of sinergies which involve not only providers but other important stakeholders from institutions, from industrial, commercial sectors, accademia and R&D.